What’s new?

  1. ✨ E2E Backend Demos — Watch the demos here and the Q&A here
  2. ✨ E2E Frontend / Walking Skeleton Demos
    1. Watch them here and the Q&A here (incoming August 1, 2023)

Why does this matter?

There are several forms of tests we’re learning to write, but perhaps the most important one for us to begin with is the Acceptance Test, and to learn how to apply it from End to End.


Because this is the test that helps us answer the following questions:

<aside> ⚡ A messy drawing from our Q&A on the 27th. You can see the entire Q&A notes here. Link to watch is coming tomorrow.

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*The acceptance test, that Given-When-Then feature written in Gherkinrepresents the exact moment we go from the highest form of what to how; from theoretical to physical, from declarative to imperative, from plan to implementation.

Before this test, we discuss the theoretical problem, solution, and the potential architecture we’ll use.

Only after we’ve formulated this test, we can shift our focus to minimum requirements of the physical system which must make this test pass. That minimal system is called The Walking Skeleton, from UI to Database**.***

And that’s what we’ve been able to build out!

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What can you do with this?

Throughout the demonstrations, we cover a lot of different techniques from the 12 Essentials.

For example:

This is what I mean by concept of the Straight Line.

We could have just done: