They say that consciousness is information and information is consciousness.

As you expose yourself to higher quality information, you begin to experience higher quality interpretations of reality, and as a result — you can experience better realities.

Mental models are the key here. We need good ones. Great ones. That’s how you get the results you want in your work & in your world.

Hey everyone, Khalil here.

As you all know, I’m now working against the final outline of the course and working on creating all the content.

The first milestone of content coming out pretty soon is the foundational mental models — this is what I’ve been talking about in Q&As, lessons, and some of the early, early adopter conversations.

I’m talking about:

The conscious mind is about 10%, where the subconscious is about 90%.

We drop these models in as subconscious seeds so that as you move throughout the rest of the course, you’ll begin to affix your focus to these models.

I’ve recorded a short video explaining where I’m at with the filming & releasing of this new content.

Stay tuned for another update soon.

And as always,

To Mastery